• Man working with specimen sitting in water.
  • 手戴手套,操作显微镜.
  • 海滩视图.
  • 研究标本的科学家.



The Department of 生物学 at the 十大玩彩信誉平台 is a flagship department in the 文理学院, with one of the highest student enrollments on 校园.  The department offers a Bachelor of Science in 生物学, and undergraduates can pursue a concentration in Marine 生物学 or Environmental Sciences.  此外, 南 offers a Master of Science in 生物学 and students can choose to be mentored by one of the department’s faculty members, which includes renowned experts in a range 生物学相关学科.  

Courses are taught primarily by full-time faculty, and students are provided with 每学期的研究机会. Through mentorship, teaching and research, biology faculty foster an environment for active learning where students acquire knowledge in all areas of the field, including ecology, evolution, genetics, physiology, microbiology, 保护与全球变化.  南 strives for excellence and provides students with the analytical and technical skills necessary to work on microbes, marine mammals, 以及介于两者之间的一切.  学生 from this program graduate as well-rounded alumni capable of pursuing professional, governmental and academic careers to tackle challenges 面对我们的星球.


Passionflower Species Named in Honor of Late 生物学 Professor
Passionflower Species Named in Honor of Late 生物学 Professor
十大玩彩信誉平台 biology professor Dr. Brian Axsmith discovered a previously undescribed species of passionflower. Now it has been named for him posthumously
星期二- 2021年11月23日
Joel Borden led a natural history tour of the Upper Tensaw River Nov 6th on the Blakeley Historic Park's Delta Explorer. The topics of discussion included biodiversity, the riverine environment, and ecosystem services.
Upcoming bird outreach events featuring Joel Borden
Upcoming bird outreach events featuring Joel Borden
星期四- 2021年10月7日
Upcoming bird outreach events featuring 生物学 faculty member Joel Borden. Joel will be participating in several events as part of Blakeley Historic Park, 继续教育的奥德赛计划, 以及阿拉巴马海岸鸟展!

